Community Fundraising Innovator Wanted
Goal: We want to build our brand awareness in the US and Canada. We are a fundraising platform that started in Australia, with most of our customer base in Australia and New Zealand.
Interested in Thought Leadership on: Mobile giving, peer-to-peer fundraising strategy, social media advertising, giving days, supporter journeys.
Ideal Contributor and Qualifications: Community fundraising specialist in a charity/non-profit that has experience developing new programs, strategies for retaining long-term donors and adapting to the growing digital marketplace.
Host Sector: Fundraising software
Host Audience: Fundraising Manager, small-medium sized charity, progressive nonprofits; US and Canada; $10k-$500K
Host Audience Reach: Most recent webinar had 440 registrants and 220 attendees
Date of opportunity: Flexible (general timeframe: May or June)
Added as a Digital PR Listing: February 2022