Fundraising Experts and Nonprofit Leaders Wanted
Goal: Showcase thought leadership voices and fundraising experts through our podcast. The more voices, perspectives, and insights we can share with our community of fundraisers the better!
Interested in Thought Leadership on: Real nonprofit success stories, nonprofit marketing, recurring donor strategies, P2P & online fundraising, donor engagement, ethics in fundraising
Ideal Contributor and Qualifications: Must be in the nonprofit or nonprofit fundraising space. This podcast is not an opportunity for a sales pitches, contributors must provide value through thought leadership.
Host Sector: Strategy and implementation of live, online, and virtual fundraising events
Host Audience: Fundraising and nonprofit professionals (communications staff, national nonprofits, development/fundraising professionals, executive directors, board members, volunteers)
Audience Reach: 365 average registrants
Date of opportunity: Flexible
Added as a Digital PR Listing: May 2022