Custom email content and strategy by Nexus Marketing

Custom Email Content & Strategy Services from Nexus Marketing

Email content and strategy development from Nexus Marketing can help you expand your reach and maximize the value of the leads generated by your website. Let’s take a look at what to expect from this offering:

Why are we offering email services?

Email is a natural way to help our clients maximize the value of leads generated through SEO. Email can also fill a crucial gap in conversion and retention strategies where SEO leaves off. 

Think about all the visitors your site gets:

  • Some will be ready to convert after reading your SEO content and clicking through to a demo or contact page—great!
  • Others won’t be ready yet, whether that’s because they’re just taking their time or are at an earlier stage of their buying journey. 

But if you can secure their email address through a contact, download, or signup form, you can stay in touch and close the loop. Keep your brand and expertise on prospects’ minds, nurture the lead, promote your products and services, and more.

How does Nexus come in? Creating a consistent flow of new email content takes time—a lot of it—that your team might not have. The Nexus team can produce steady streams of email content for you, adapted to your brand’s voice and goals.

Is email an effective channel?

Email remains a highly effective marketing channel, even in the age of social media.

77% of consumers from all age cohorts prefer seeing email over promotional content on social media. Well-targeted email campaigns can yield ROIs of up to 4200%, $42 in returns per dollar spent, far above other marketing channels.

It’s scalable, measurable, adaptable to your audience and goals, and easily automated (provided you have a steady stream of content!).

What’s included in the Nexus email offering?

When you purchase an email add-on for your Nexus engagement, you’ll get:

  • A package of 10 or 20 emails to send to your subscriber or prospect lists
  • A custom strategy built around your goals and digital marketing collateral
  • Branded graphics for each email
  • Recommendations for timing your email cadence

What types of email streams can Nexus create?

Your package of emails will be tailored to your business’s goals. Here are some of the ways we can frame your email campaigns:

  • Promotional campaigns: Feature product/service highlights, updates, testimonials, and use cases with the goal of driving conversions.
  • Targeted lead nurture campaigns: Create an educational, semi-promotional stream of email content for subscribers to receive after downloading a particular resource from your website.
  • Thought leadership campaigns: Drive more traffic to your valuable onsite content and promote your offsite publications to build your reputation as an industry expert.
  • NXUnite panel follow-up: Getting ready to participate in an NXUnite panel? Make the most of your list of new contacts with a custom email stream to recap your event and orient new subscribers to your business.
  • Ad hoc, mix-and-match emails: Have a different idea, or don’t see yours listed here? No problem. We can develop custom content or campaigns to meet your needs.

How does the process work?

If you’ve added an email expansion to your engagement, what can you expect from your Nexus team? We’ll follow this workflow:

  1. You, your account manager, and your copywriter will meet to discuss objectives and outcomes for your email campaign(s).
  2. We’ll outline a strategy for your package of emails and send it to you for approval.
  3. We’ll draft your email content and send it to you for review.
  4. We’ll incorporate any changes and edits from your team to finalize the email stream.
  5. Start sending your emails and nurturing more leads!

For packages of 10 emails, the project will be completed within a month of kickoff. For packages of 20 emails, the production process will be split into two batches. You’ll be able to start using them right away before the second batch is completed.

Pricing details:

  • 10-email stream: $6,000
  • 20-email stream: $12,000

For lead nurture purposes, it’s best practice to send an email 1-4 times a week. This means a 10-email stream can be used for 3-10 months and a 20-email stream can be used for 5-20 months depending on your preferred frequency.

Example Nexus Email Stream

Take a look at this example to see what you can expect from a Nexus email stream.

Here’s a strategy that we laid out for a SaaS platform that offers products for nonprofits and businesses. We designed a 10-email stream with the objectives of driving increased engagement from nonprofit subscribers and converting free nonprofit users to a paid tier:

Example email strategy for SaaS adoption and upgrades

Here’s one of the emails from the stream:

Example email from a stream designed to drive engagement from free signups

Want to learn more or discuss the details?

Please reach out to your account manager or copywriter. We’ll be happy to chat through what an email strategy might look like for your business.

Contact Nexus Marketing to discuss custom email content and strategy development.