Learn more about our engagements

Our Engagements: Guiding Principles for Success

Our agency operates with a handful of guiding principles that underpin our engagements.

Let’s Get To An ROI As Quickly As Possible

Our primary goal for our engagements is to get clients to see a positive return on their investment with our agency as quickly as possible by growing lead generation.

Search Intent Should Drive Content Strategy

Google prioritizes content that matches what it knows users to be searching for. This is called “Search Intent.” Nexus will craft optimization plans and SEO content based on what we know about the intent of searchers looking for a given keyword.

Steady Content Review

SEO is the marathon-training of marketing: slow and steady progress is essential for long term success. Content should be reviewed at a steady rate so it can either be published or be sent to a partner for publication.

Content Quality/Comprehensiveness

To rank for competitive keywords, content should follow SEO best practices. In general, content plans will recommend final state pages to have a word count between 1,000-3,000 words at minimum. This signals to Google that the content dives deeply into a topic area, which helps the page rank as highly as possible.

You Should Love Your Nexus Team

If you are unhappy with your Nexus team, we would like you to share that feedback with us and we’ll do our best to address the feedback. If we are unable to, we will assign new team members to your account. We provide competitive increases to team compensation based on performance.

To adjust for these changes to compensation, the Client should expect an increase in their hourly rate every 12 months operating under the current agreement or in a new agreement