Association and Events Thought Leaders Wanted for Videos

Goal: We are hosting a thought-leader video series, inviting folks who know about events or associations to address the most pressing questions in the industry. Our goal is to diversity our content and give opportunity for others to shine.

Description: Each month, will send potential contributors a question related to event and associations. They can choose to submit a 1 minute video answer or pass. Videos will be shared on social.

Ideal Contributor: Someone with lived experience in the events and association industry that wants to share their experience

Host Sector: Association and event software

Host Audience: Trade and professional associations and event/conference/trade show organizations

Audience Reach: Latest LinkedIn post has 15,000 impressions, 25,000 email readers

Past Topics: Using AI in business, the latest trends in events and associations

Date of opportunity: Ongoing

Added as a Digital PR Listing: May 2024