Various business professionals mingling and shaking hands

Cross-Marketing Solicitation Advising for Partners

One thing we’ve heard from our partners is that they often get solicitations for collaborations from other businesses and don’t have time to sort through them.

We’d like to help you sort through these requests and prioritize the important ones.

When you get these inbound requests, send them directly to us and we’ll deal with them.

We’ll elevate the ones who are worth connecting with and help save you time!

Wondering how you opt-in to cross-marketing solicitation advising?

Simply start forwarding solicitations to your CPC with the following message in the body of your email: cross-marketing solicitation advising requested

Within 3 business days your CPC team member will reach back out to you with their insight and recommendation.

Have questions? Reach out to your CPC and they will be happy clarify!