Archive for: Featured

Association and Events Thought Leaders Wanted for Videos

Association and Events Thought Leaders Wanted for Videos

Goal: We are hosting a thought-leader video series, inviting folks who know about events or associations to address the most pressing questions in the industry. Our goal is to diversity our content and give opportunity for others to shine.

Description: Each month, will send potential contributors a question related to event and associations. They can choose to submit a 1 minute video answer or pass. Videos will be shared on social.

Ideal Contributor: Someone with lived experience in the events and association industry that wants to share their experience

Host Sector: Association and event software

Host Audience: Trade and professional associations and event/conference/trade show organizations

Audience Reach: Latest LinkedIn post has 15,000 impressions, 25,000 email readers

Past Topics: Using AI in business, the latest trends in events and associations

Date of opportunity: Ongoing

Added as a Digital PR Listing: May 2024


Submit this survey with the code “O-007.”

Speakers Wanted for Political & Nonprofit Advocacy Tech Podcast

Speakers Wanted for Political & Nonprofit Advocacy Tech Podcast

Goal: To help individuals interested in learning more about political and nonprofit advocacy technology through this podcast

Description: We speak to experts, stakeholders, campaign managers, and engineers to get answers about the future of campaigning.

Interested in Thought Leadership On: Trends in political, nonprofit, and advocacy technology that viewers can learn from

Ideal Contributor and Qualifications: Past experience with innovative technology in the advocacy and political realms

Host Sector: Campaigning platform

Host Audience: Campaign managers, stakeholders, voters, and anyone interested in pushing forward a campaign

Past Topics Have Covered: AI is the Future of Political Campaigning, The Democracy Labs

Date of opportunity: Ongoing

Added as a Digital PR Listing: March 2024


Submit this survey with the code “P-049”

Seeking Political, Nonprofit, and Advocacy Experts for Webinars

Seeking Political, Nonprofit, and Advocacy Experts for Webinars

Goal: To help individuals interested in learning more about political and nonprofit advocacy

Description: We speak to experts, stakeholders, campaign managers, and engineers to get answers about the future of campaigning.

Interested in Thought Leadership On: Trends in political, nonprofit, and advocacy that viewers can learn from

Ideal Contributor and Qualifications: Past experience in the advocacy and political realms

Host Sector: Campaigning platform

Host Audience: Campaign managers, stakeholders, voters, and anyone interested in pushing forward a campaign

Past Topics Have Covered: How To Clean Your Contact Lists, Critical Skills for Deep Canvassing, How to Create Effective Deep Canvassing Scripts

Date of opportunity: Ongoing

Added as a Digital PR Listing: March 2024


Submit this survey with the code “W-047”

Fundraising Event Experts Wanted for Webinars

Fundraising Event Experts Wanted for Webinars

Goal: To help nonprofits maximize fundraising events (golf tournaments, galas, walks, etc.).

Description: This webinar series will explore challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned in using various events to raise money for nonprofit missions. Speakers will discuss ideas, strategies, and tools to make fundraising events more fun, more engaging, and more lucrative.

Selected panelists will be asked to help promote the webinar to their respective networks on social media and via email. Graphics and verbiage will be provided. Panelists will receive a list of registrant names and email addresses.

Interested in Thought Leadership On: Golf fundraising, event fundraising

Ideal Contributor and Qualifications: Past experience in organizing/executing nonprofit fundraising events and/or service provider for nonprofit fundraising events

Host Sector: Fundraising events

Host Audience: Nonprofit event planners, development officers, and board members in the U.S. and Canada

Past Topics Have Covered: Sponsorships, auctions, corporate partnerships, cause connection, ways to raise more money through events

Date of opportunity: Ongoing

Added as a Digital PR Listing: December 2023


Submit this survey with the code “W-033”

Seeking Association Experts for Webinar Series

Seeking Association Experts for Webinar Series

Goal: Looking for industry experts to address challenges that associations face and propose unique solutions that can help today.

Interested in Thought Leadership on: Topics related to the association technology space, such as membership growth and marketing, events, and technology implementation.

Ideal Contributor and Qualifications: Professionals in the association space who can speak to how organizations can improve their operations, member engagement and recruitment, and other related topics.

Host Sector: Association management software

Past Contributors: HighRoad Solutions, Fionta, PropFuel, Cadmium

Past Topics Have Covered: 

  • Attracting Younger Members & Building the Next Generation of Association Leaders
  • Membership Growth Strategies that Work: Using Marketing Technology to Add New Members
  • Is Live Streaming Events the Future or a Pandemic Fad?

Date of opportunity: Rolling, but looking to schedule speakers for August 2023 and beyond


Submit this survey with the code “W-037”

Seeking Collaborators for Fundraising Events Podcast

Seeking Collaborators for Fundraising Events Podcast

Goal: To give nonprofit professionals the tools they need to maximize the possibility of their fundraising events. Podcast episodes will be filmed – the audio will be launched on podcast platforms and the video on YouTube. 

Interested in Thought Leadership on: Fundraising event best practices and how-tos, trends and changes in the fundraising event industry, and event technology/tools.

Ideal Contributors and Qualifications: Thought leaders, software tools, vendors, and service providers operating in the fundraising event space who can share meaningful advice for nonprofits.

Host Sector: Fundraising event consultants

Host Audience: Nonprofits

Date of Opportunity: Ongoing

Added as a Digital PR Listing: May 2023


Submit this survey with the code “P-021”

Sponsors for Nonprofit Education Website Wanted

Sponsors for Nonprofit Education Website Wanted

Goal: Seeking sponsors for nonprofit resource website. Sponsorship may include the option of a guest post, panel, podcast, or webinar. Help us pursue our complementary visions of helping nonprofits make lasting change in their communities and the world.

Ideal Contributor: Provides useful services to nonprofits and has a dynamic presence in promoting best practices and thoughtful discourse in the sector. Creates active, new content that can be promoted via host’s newsletter.

Host Sector:  Fundraising, marketing, and board coaching and teaching

Host Audience:  Nonprofit organizations of all sizes and shapes. International; mostly U.S. and Canada.

Audience Reach: 10,000 mailing list. Sponsors underwrite free bimonthly newsletter of curated links to free resources. Links to sponsor’s content are included in each of 26 issues per year in addition to an evergreen link and endorsement on host’s website.

Past Contributors: Yearly, Veritus Group, Bloomerang

Timeframe: Yearlong sponsorship

Cost: $1,356/year

Added as a Digital PR Listing: April 2023


Submit this survey with the code “O-006”

Event and Fundraising Experts Wanted

Event and Fundraising Experts Wanted

Goal: Share tips and advice from experienced event professionals. Podcast guests discuss strategies for planning and managing effective events that raise more for your organization. 

Interested in Thought Leadership on: Event production and logistics, fundraising strategies

Host Sector: Fundraising event technology

Host Audience: Event and fundraising professionals

Past Topics: Volunteer management, event promotion, auction planning

Date of opportunity: Flexible

Added as a Digital PR Listing: April 2023


Submit this survey with the code “P-020”

Mission-Driven Sector Research Wanted

Mission-Driven Sector Research Wanted

Goal: Looking for contributors trying to get their research on various verticals of the mission-driven sector out there. Ideally, research will be useful for mission-driven businesses looking for data to include in their writings on the sector which will benefit the contributor in spreading the word about their research.

Interested in contributors with: Proprietary research on something related to the workings of the mission-driven sector

Host: Nexus Marketing

Host Audience: Mission-Driven Businesses

Details: Our Research Library for Mission Driven Businesses is looking for submissions. We are particularly looking for research on fundraising, nonprofits, associations, K-12 education, higher education, small businesses, museums, or community organizations. Have original research you would like to have hosted in the Research Library? Fill out this survey to submit a proposed addition to the library.

Added as a Digital PR Listing: October 2021


Submit this survey with the code “O-004.”

Fundraising Experts and Nonprofit Leaders Wanted

Fundraising Experts and Nonprofit Leaders Wanted

Goal: Showcase thought leadership voices and fundraising experts through our podcast. The more voices, perspectives, and insights we can share with our community of fundraisers the better!

Interested in Thought Leadership on: Real nonprofit success stories, nonprofit marketing, recurring donor strategies, P2P & online fundraising, donor engagement, ethics in fundraising

Ideal Contributor and Qualifications: Must be in the nonprofit or nonprofit fundraising space. This podcast is not an opportunity for a sales pitches, contributors must provide value through thought leadership.

Host Sector: Strategy and implementation of live, online, and virtual fundraising events

Host Audience: Fundraising and nonprofit professionals (communications staff, national nonprofits, development/fundraising professionals, executive directors, board members, volunteers)

Audience Reach: 365 average registrants

Date of opportunity: Flexible

Added as a Digital PR Listing: May 2022


Submit this survey with the code “P-013.”

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