AI’s Impact on the SEO Content Creation Process

With the platform achieving over 100 million active users in just under two months since its release, it’s become clear to all digital marketers that ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool, isn’t going anywhere.

While AI-generated content can seem daunting for many digital marketers, the team at Nexus Marketing views it as an opportunity. As part of our commitment to providing high-quality content, we leverage ChatGPT to streamline parts of the content creation process and add educational value to our articles.

This guide will walk you through how we use ChatGPT to improve our results for our clients while maintaining a “by humans, for humans” approach.

Our position on fully AI-generated content

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool for streamlining content creation workflows, we never use it to fully generate SEO content. This is due to a few reasons:

  • It can have negative SEO implications. By prioritizing human-written content, we mitigate any risks of publishing AI-generated content, such as duplication. Also, backlinks within AI-generated content may be perceived as less valuable to the Google algorithm than true human-built links, and we want to ensure each link built has the maximum ranking benefit possible for your website.
  • It can jeopardize partner relationships. Our connections in the mission-driven space via the Publishing Partnership program are key to driving results for your brand. Submitting original content is our promise to our Publishing Partners, making human-written content a crucial part of our strategy.
  • It’s less original than human-written content. ChatGPT is trained to generate responses based on linguistic patterns. Overall, human-written content is more original and provides more educational value to the reader. Additionally, AI content generation is heavily dependent on machine learning algorithms and pre-existing datasets. It may not always accurately encapsulate the factors that enhance expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness which leads to worse-performing content over time.
  • It isn’t as user-friendly as human-written content. As a robot, ChatGPT might not fully understand human needs and preferences when drafting its content. Thus, it might lack the human touch that makes content so engaging for readers.

To ensure ideal SEO performance, it’s important to uphold the “by humans, for humans” approach. That means using ChatGPT to help with the tasks outlined below without publishing its words verbatim.

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Nexus Marketing’s ChatGPT use cases

1. Generating content outlines

One of the first steps of our content creation is outlining, and ChatGPT plays an important role in starting the process on the right foot. We use ChatGPT to generate wireframe outlines of general ideas for the content. Then, the writers combine the wireframe with our in-depth subject matter, UX, and SEO knowledge to make it into something new.

The prompt: Generate an outline for an FAQ guide educational blog post about Google Ad Grants best practices for nonprofit professionals who have never heard of the program before.

The response:

I. Introduction

  • Brief overview of Google Ad Grants program
  • Importance of understanding best practices for nonprofit professionals
  • Purpose of the FAQ guide and its value for newcomers to the program

II. What is Google Ad Grants?

  • Definition and explanation of the program
  • Eligibility criteria for nonprofit organizations
  • Benefits and advantages of participating in the program

III. How can my nonprofit organization qualify for Google Ad Grants?

  • Specific requirements and guidelines set by Google
  • Steps to verify charity status and compliance
  • Importance of having a well-structured website with meaningful content

IV. What are the key features and limitations of Google Ad Grants?

  • Overview of the advertising budget and usage limits
  • Types of ads allowed and their placement
  • Policies and guidelines to adhere to while running campaigns

V. How can I create effective Google Ad Grants campaigns?

  • Keyword research and selection strategies
  • Crafting compelling ad copy and relevant landing pages
  • Optimizing campaigns for better performance and results

VI. How can I measure the success of my Google Ad Grants campaigns?

  • Key metrics to track and analyze
  • Tools and resources for campaign performance evaluation
  • Making data-driven decisions for continuous improvement

VII. Are there any additional resources or support available?

  • Google’s resources, documentation, and tutorials
  • Online communities and forums for nonprofit professionals
  • Considerations for professional assistance and management services

VIII. Conclusion

  • Recap of key takeaways and benefits of implementing Google Ad Grants best practices
  • Encouragement to explore the program and its potential for nonprofit organizations
  • Invitation to reach out for further assistance and guidance

2. Writing meta descriptions

ChatGPT plays a valuable role in generating potential meta descriptions for content. We use the tool to quickly create meta descriptions that we adjust afterward. Instead of asking for meta descriptions based on generic, one-word topics, we take the client’s intended audience and offerings into account. Then, we modify the meta description to ensure relevance and precision.

The prompt: Generate a meta description for an ultimate-guide style blog post about Google Ad Grants for nonprofit professionals who are new to the program.

ChatGPT’s response: Unlock the power of Google Ad Grants for nonprofits. Maximize your online impact and raise awareness with this comprehensive guide for new program participants.

3. Proofreading copy

Our team harnesses the power of ChatGPT to proofread and refine written content. By providing already written passages, we request ChatGPT to proofread, correct grammatical mistakes, tighten the language and improve clarity. The objective is to optimize the content for readability, logical flow, and coherence.

It’s important to note that we never directly copy the rewritten content from ChatGPT. Instead, our team takes inspiration from the suggested changes and incorporates them into their own writing. This ensures that our content maintains a human quality that attracts readers.

The prompt: Proofread the following paragraph for clarity, logical flow, and grammatical mistakes:

In today’s digital age, nonprofit organizations strive to create a meaningful impact and extend their reach to make a difference in the world. However, limited marketing budgets often pose significant challenges. That’s where Google Ad Grants comes in as a game-changing opportunity. In this educational article, we will delve into the world of Google Ad Grants and explore how nonprofit organizations can harness its power to maximize their online presence, raise awareness, and drive meaningful engagement. Whether you’re new to the concept or seeking to optimize your existing strategy, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to leverage Google Ad Grants successfully. Get ready to unlock new possibilities and propel your organization’s mission to greater heights in the digital realm.

ChatGPT’s response:

In today’s digital landscape, nonprofit organizations strive to make a meaningful impact and extend their reach to create positive change in the world. However, limited marketing budgets often present significant challenges. Enter Google Ad Grants, a game-changing opportunity that empowers nonprofits. This comprehensive educational article delves into the world of Google Ad Grants, guiding nonprofit professionals on how to maximize their online presence, raise awareness, and foster meaningful engagement. Whether you’re new to the concept or seeking to optimize your existing strategy, this guide equips you with the knowledge and insights needed to leverage Google Ad Grants successfully. Unlock new possibilities and propel your organization’s mission to greater heights in the digital realm.

4. Generating stories/examples

The content team uses ChatGPT to generate stories or example scenarios to enrich the content. These stories are helpful for illustrating key concepts that are discussed in the content and the problems that the content’s tips will help the audience solve. The goal of including example stories is to frame the information in a compelling and realistic way instead of relying on abstract concepts.

By reading this example passage, the reader can better understand how Google Ad Grants can maximize traffic to their nonprofit’s website and convert casual visitors into active supporters:

The prompt: Write an example story for an article educating nonprofit professionals about why they should pursue Google Ad Grants. The story’s takeaway should be that pursuing Google Ad Grants is an easy and cost-effective way to spread awareness of your cause.

ChatGPT’s response:

Imagine a nonprofit organization called “Global Health Alliance” dedicated to providing medical assistance in underserved communities. The organization struggled to reach a wider audience and raise funds to support its critical initiatives. However, after learning about Google Ad Grants, they decided to give it a try. With the help of expert guidance, Global Health Alliance created compelling ad campaigns that specifically targeted keywords related to their cause. Within weeks, their online visibility skyrocketed, attracting a surge of website traffic and generating significant interest in their mission. Thanks to Google Ad Grants, Global Health Alliance quickly realized that pursuing this program was not only easy but also an incredibly cost-effective way to spread awareness of their cause, reach a broader audience, and make a greater impact in the world.

5. Brainstorming call-to-action language

Crafting effective call-to-action (CTA) language is essential for driving conversions for clients. Our team leverages ChatGPT by asking it specific questions to align the CTA with the client’s target audience and desired tone. Also, with ChatGPT’s browsing mode, we can quickly collect data from across the Internet to support our claims.

The results from ChatGPT serve as inspiration, which our copywriters adapt and customize to fit the client’s context, ensuring the CTAs are engaging and relevant.

The prompt: Write an engaging, click-worthy CTA for a business that promotes Google Ad Grants management to nonprofit professionals. The tone should be professional, yet eager and optimistic. The CTA should be around 3 sentences in total.

ChatGPT’s response: Ignite your nonprofit’s growth with our expert Google Ad Grants management. Maximize your online reach, raise funds, and make a lasting impact. Unlock the power of Google Ad Grants and propel your cause to new heights.

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6. Optimizing for snippets

Snippets are concise sections of content that appear on Google’s search results pages, providing quick answers to user queries. ChatGPT helps us optimize snippet-bait sections by making them concise, direct, and highly relevant. Our team prompts ChatGPT to answer specific questions or refine existing snippet baits or FAQs, allowing us to enhance their performance and visibility in search results.

The prompt: Concisely answer the question “What are Google Ad Grants” for an audience of nonprofit marketing professionals. This answer will be targeted to secure a featured snippet on a Google results page.

ChatGPT’s response: Google Ad Grants is a unique program offering eligible nonprofit organizations up to $10,000 per month in free advertising budget on Google Ads. Designed to empower nonprofits, these grants provide the opportunity to raise awareness, drive website traffic, and promote their causes to a wider audience. By leveraging Google Ad Grants, nonprofit marketing professionals can maximize their online presence and make a greater impact in the digital landscape.

7. Generating FAQs

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) provide valuable information to users and enhance the user experience. ChatGPT assists us in generating relevant questions related to specific topics. These questions help enrich your content and address user intent. Our team evaluates and refines the generated questions to ensure they are valuable additions to the FAQ section.

The prompt: List 10 frequently asked questions about Google Ad Grants that nonprofit professionals might have when trying to determine if they should pursue the program as part of their marketing strategy.

ChatGPT’s response:

  • What are Google Ad Grants?
  • How can my nonprofit organization qualify for Google Ad Grants?
  • What types of ads can I create with Google Ad Grants?
  • What are the benefits of using Google Ad Grants for my nonprofit?
  • How much free advertising budget does Google Ad Grants provide?
  • Are there any restrictions on the types of keywords or content I can use in my ads?
  • Can I run ads for multiple campaigns or initiatives using Google Ad Grants?
  • How do I track the performance of my Google Ad Grants campaigns?
  • Are there any specific policies or guidelines I need to follow while using Google Ad Grants?
  • Can I use Google Ad Grants alongside other advertising methods or platforms?

ChatGPT can also quickly create FAQ schema code for your content, which is beneficial for SEO.

8. Sourcing statistics

Statistics add credibility and educational value to your content. ChatGPT’s Web Browsing mode assists us in sourcing interesting statistics and credible resources related to specific topics. Our team ensures that ChatGPT provides sources to verify the relevance and freshness of the statistics. For up-to-date information, we double-check ChatGPT’s suggestions with manual research.

The prompt: List interesting statistics about Google Ad Grants that I can use in an ultimate guide-style article for an audience of nonprofit professionals and provide your sources.

ChatGPT’s response: Here are some interesting statistics about Google Ad Grants that you can use in your ultimate guide-style article:

  • Google Ad Grants is a powerful tool for nonprofits, offering up to $10,000 in monthly advertising credit. This can be used to reach new donors, volunteers, and supporters​ (source).
  • Google owns over 92% of the global search engine market, helping nonprofits connect with more prospects than ever before. 98% of searchers click a result on page 1 of Google, making the Google Ad Grant a great way to drive more clicks. The average return on investment (ROI) for nonprofits using Google Ads is $4.78. For Google Ads, advocacy groups and nonprofits have an average cost per click (CPC) of $1.43. View-through revenue (revenue from donors who saw but didn’t click on an ad) accounts for 35% of all giving sourced from digital ads (source)​.

9. Generating ideas for original images

Providing custom-branded images helps signal an article’s educational value, which can boost its SEO ranking. The content team leverages ChatGPT to make engaging and informative images that complement written content.

The prompt: Give me 3 unique image ideas for an ultimate guide-style article about Google Ad Grants. Think along the lines of Venn diagrams, flow charts, and themed images that visually represent the information in an engaging and educational way.

ChatGPT’s response:

  • Comparison Venn Diagram: Create a visually appealing Venn diagram that compares Google Ad Grants with other advertising methods or platforms. Use overlapping circles to highlight the unique advantages and features of Google Ad Grants, such as cost-effectiveness, targeted reach, and the ability to raise awareness for nonprofit organizations.
  • Step-by-Step Flowchart: Design a flowchart that illustrates the step-by-step process of setting up and managing a successful Google Ad Grants campaign. Include key stages like application and qualification, keyword research, ad creation, campaign optimization, and performance tracking. Use visually distinct icons or symbols to represent each stage, making it easy for readers to follow along.
  • Keyword Research Mind Map: Design a visually captivating mind map that illustrates the process of conducting keyword research for Google Ad Grants campaigns. Use branching sections to represent different categories or themes related to nonprofit causes, such as education, healthcare, environment, and social justice. Each branch should further branch out into relevant keywords that align with those categories. This image will visually demonstrate how keyword research helps nonprofits optimize their campaigns and reach the right audience.
  • Ad Performance Dashboard: Develop a visually appealing dashboard-style image that showcases the key performance metrics and data points to track when monitoring the success of Google Ad Grants campaigns. Include elements like click-through rates, conversions, website traffic, and engagement metrics. Use charts, graphs, and icons to represent the data in a visually engaging and easy-to-understand format. This image will demonstrate the importance of tracking and analyzing campaign performance to make data-driven optimizations.

We hope this guide provides you with insights into how we use ChatGPT to enhance our content creation process. By leveraging this AI-powered tool in a strategic and thoughtful manner, we strive to deliver exceptional results while maintaining the human touch and expertise that define our approach.

If you have questions or want to learn more about how we’re using AI to continually improve our content for clients, please don’t hesitate to contact your Nexus Account Manager or Copywriter.

Nexus Marketing is the top SEO agency for brands working in the mission-driven space.